We also understand there may be many questions you have when it comes to choosing a satellite phone. That is why we are offering a complete comparison chart at the end of this Blog.
First thing you should know is a satellite telephone connects you to an orbiting constellation of satellites instead of land based terrestrial cell sites. Satellite phones provide similar functionality to terrestrial mobile telephones including voice, short messaging service (SMS) and low-bandwidth internet access. Having this connectivity to voice and data via satellite makes a satellite phone extremely useful in times of need. The satellite phone system is not hindered by natural disasters where land services might be hindered by hurricanes, earthquakes or floods. The three major players of handheld satellite phones have their own unique satellite constellations.
The Thuraya satellite phones work on the Thuraya satellite system consisting of 2 geostationary satellites. These satellites are located over Africa, Europe, Asia and Australia. Currently Thuraya does not work in the Americas. If you are traveling to the regions Thuraya covers, be sure to check out the Thuraya XT satellite phone.
The Iridium 9575 Extreme satellite phone uses a 66 low Earth orbiting satellite system that covers the entire Earth including the Polar Regions. If you are looking for a satellite phone with true global capabilities Iridium is the way to go.
Inmarsat has an extremely reliable satellite constellation of 3 geostationary satellites. The IsatPhone Pro is Inmarsat’s handheld satellite phone. The IsatPhone Pro gets great coverage over the Earth but will not work in the Polar Regions. A benefit to the IsatPhone Pro is once the phone is connected to the satellite, it is highly unlikely to drop the call. It is important to note that registering on the Inmarsat network with the IsatPhone Pro takes just over a minute because the phone needs to obtain a GPS fix before placing a call.
With a basic understanding of the 3 major satellite networks, it will be easier to choose the right satellite phone. We have an excellent comparison chart on the handheld satellite phones that you can view by clicking here. As always if you have a question we can answer call us at +1-954-973-3100
I loved using the Thuraya Satellite phones in Africa!